Take a Closer Look!
Take a Closer Look!
Mama T's Homestead is a small farm situated in beautiful central PA. We offer mobile educational programs and activities in a really unique way with our beloved " COOL" Bus,a full sized school bus that we transformed into a beautiful, bright, bold and inviting art studio and classroom! We are able to bring programs, engaging activities, animals and more to any location that is in need of our services!
When we are not rolling around in our COOL Bus we are home tending to our animals, minding the gardens and creating handspun yarns, handcrafted soaps, lotions and salves, cooking, baking , homeschooling, raising a family and practicing new ways to live sustainable, more self sufficient lives. We are excited to share our knowledge with you!
Mama T's COOL Bus is our beloved Mobile Art Studio & Classroom! Its all the things Mama T dreamt about... a super cool way to bring educational programs and opportunities to the towns and facilities that need them the most!
The COOL Bus is loved by many kids and families and members of our community. We serve all of Central PA and beyond!
There simply is nothing else like it!
COOLBusPA.com is a division of Mama T's Homestead. The COOL Bus is our exciting resource and mode of transportation for many of our programs, descriptions, photos and more can be found there!
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